“Dear Sabrina, Thank you so very much for the amazing accomplishment of tracing my mother’s ancestry. I am astonished that you managed to complete all the research well within the timescale necessary for me to have the whole extraordinary story bound for presentation for her seventieth birthday. When I embarked on this project I had no idea that you would be so successful in identifying such a pantheon of relatives. By locating various records of travel, probate, military and chancery it has enabled us to have a fuller picture of the lives my ancestors lived rather than the basic ‘born, married and died’ approach. A few skeletons in the cupboard and lots of exciting surprises has encouraged my husband to start delving into his family’s past from the information you have found for my family tree. I just know that my mother will be as thrilled as me when she sees the finished article.”  (S.Bradford – Southampton)

“Stemma organised and tracked down army records which resolved an issue with my father’s paternity. As he is of advancing years, this had been bothering him for some time and now he is at peace with it – Thank you so much”  (anon – Wimbourne)

“Sabrina’s thorough and meticulous researching traced my family tree back over 250 years. She left no stone unturned, even finding photos of my ancestors and uncovering some long lost relatives!”  (Mr H – Chichester)